Merida · 11 answers · 3y

What do you celebrate this month?

It's Black History month, so we celebrate Target putting up a display of Black Pride merchandize, and bunch of white people saying, "wHaT aBoUt wHiTe pEoPlE ? wHeRe'S tHe wHiTe pRiDe merch ?? wHaT aBoUt wHitE gIrL mAgIc ??" and in school, they're like, "All right, so, Martin Luther King was a very religious man who--with the help of Jesus Christ (illustration of extra white Jesus shaking hands with Martin Luther King)--solved racism. Now we no longer have racism. And that's it. That's all the information about him, civil rights, and racism in America. You're good to go, You are welcome."

Also, like half of my family members were birthed in February

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