Kate Matsuda · 5 answers · 1y

Tell me the last flat jokes you've been told! To give you an example what I mean read this that somebody told me recently: Difference between straight couple and lesbian couple? When the husband gets home and finds wife blowing hot air of her hair dryer down her pants - He. What's up? - She: Curly hair is the new trend. Same scene among a lesbian couple - She: What's up darling? She: Heating your dinner honey! ---- It's not because this is working on weird ideas about lesbians but it's about being not really funny and meant to insult me a bit and entertain me a bit and testing my ability of finding things funny and testing my general humour? Point is: it's flatout boring and extremely lame. Tell me yours!

My joke is straight men who inadvertently let everyone know they won't do oral on their wife by telling a joke about lesbians

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