Kate Matsuda · 8 answers · 11mo

Had to get out a bunch of unused but good kitchen items and some assorted surplus things. Wrote a big cardboard with the text: I like to give these away as gifts! - All the items placed aside of my door facing the street. The only item they didn't take was an old plush mouse I had sitting on top and the board. I hope somebody needed that stuff! - how do you do this? Decluttering?

My dad was a big believer in "just put it outside" when I was a kid.

I saw an artifical Christmas tree on the side of the road today, actually. It was upright, so that they could feel like they were giving it away instead of leaving it on the side of the road. It was also next to a cemetery. "Merry Christmas, sorry for your loss." Was the vibe, and I don't know why they chose that vibe. Strong choices.

Anyway, if something is in good condition and I don't want or need it anymore, then I don't have a hard time finding someone to give it to who wants it. I don't really know folks who have everything they need already, let alone everything they want. But I don't have excess stuff anymore, after the flooding, you know. I haven't replaced most of it, and I don't feel like I need to.

Also, my microwave broke a year ago and I never replaced it. I was like, do I need to have hot food? Not really.

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