
Just a small intersex skunk-looking demon who loves paws, maws, turning people into different people, animals or things and also desires to make cute subby individuals blush ~

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Fussel · 3 answers · 2y

A genie appears in front of you and offers you 3 wishes, no takebacks, no "I wish I didn't wish that" or anything of the likes.
What do you wish for and why? < write this first

This genie WILL turn your wishes against you, if you formulate without being careful.
Now: What do you fear they might interpret into your wish?

Fussel · 5 answers · 2y

I offer you the perfect rubber suit representing your sona/OC, just as you always wished to have and you get to keep it!
The catch: except for hygene reasons you have to wear it for a full year non-stop. Taking it off for said hygenic reasons will add back to the timer of a year and if taken off too long it will decay and be gone.

Would you take the offer? What's your reason for the answer?

Fussel · 4 answers · 2y

If given to you, would you wear a french maid outfit?

Fussel · 3 answers · 2y

The mutagen has been contained, but now everyone formerly infected has to be transformed into a rubber suit of their former self, so we can properly air you out and turn you back!

Will you accept the procedure, or will you refuse and turn all the way into a paw-hungry micro skunk?

Fussel · 2 answers · 2y

Hey, sweeties, who of you is breathing something metallic rn? Sorry, a slow acting mutagen has been set free in the lab and everyone breathing it will sooner or later end up nothing but a paw-hungry and perma-horny kind of micro skunk...

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