Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Share more lore or your WoL/children?

:D always! I’ll talk a bit about one of my roe gals since Rhaya gets a lot of love haha
Bright Ruby was raised by her older brother (still not sure about his name) in the Shroud; they were sent away from their home village when she was a baby to protect them from a clan war that was brewing. She’s always been very aware of her “outsider” status despite living in the Shroud her whole life, and has been careful to maintain her natural cheerful demeanor so as not to be subject to more xenophobia. She’s 18 at the start of MSQ, after finally being fed up with how everything was exacerbated by the Calamity and striking out on her own.

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