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ezreal · 6mo

doomed yaoi kayn x noxian ez

sorry anon this might be a little hard I think kayn would legitimately hate him DGSHSF

I think ez fundamentally doesn't have strong personal conviction and is the type who just assumes the popular mentality of the people around him. so my noxian au ez drank the noxian war propaganda koolaid & is a noxian loyalist with an inflated ego

worse, he wouldve been drafted and trained as a war mage from a young age and imo would slide right into the noxian "might makes right" rhetoric which kayn hates

worse again, the most likely places for ezkayn to meet in this au are ionia or shurima which raises the really awkward question of what a noxian imperialist is doing out there and how kayn, a direct victim of noxian expansionism would (rightfully) feel about it. i think kayn would actually find him despicable... u can think about them stabbing each other tho

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