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ezreal · 6mo

Noxian Ez x Kayn is just Talon if he had adhd instead of autism

im assuming this is comparing noxian ezkayn with talkayn in which case yes thank u

i think comparing ezkayn vs talkayn is interesting. i do think that ez and kayn are more similar in personality to each other than either is to talon

the main reason i think noxian au ez is a noxian loyalist is because he receives preferential treatment as a mage in noxus. conversely, i think that if he wasn't a mage and was just cannon fodder getting put through a meat grinder like kayn was, he would think noxus is a load of shit and also defect very early on. ez is pretty easy to understand

conversely to ez & kayn, talon is a doggy. imo he has more of a tendency to be deferential to institutional authority & hierarchy as long as its earned his respect (which was what the general did)

incidentally, i think kayn would have had will to defect even if he was raised in noxus as nobility-adjacent hes uncontrollable

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