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Anonymous Coward · 10mo

What got you into One Piece in the first place and what made you stay?

So, this is a funny story because, for a while, I DIDN'T stay. I started watching One Piece when the 4Kids dub aired on Toonami, and despite how terrible that was, I got interested enough to seek out the manga. I started from the beginning and followed weekly until about Fishman Island. At that point, I fell away from anime and manga entirely; I started watching Arrow and the various spinoffs and then got into the Glee fandom.

I was super into that fandom until it ended, and then the Arrowverse shows started ending as well. Then, during Covid, I had a random urge to find out what was happening in One Piece. I went to the One Piece wiki and read some summaries... only to discover that Law--who I'd been drawn to pretty much as soon as he was introduced--basically became a main character around the time I stopped following the manga and no one told me 😂

I immediately picked up with Punk Hazard and caught up to the manga around the time chapter 997 was coming out and have been following weekly since. I started writing fic and really getting into fandom after that. So, that's the story of how Trafalgar Law brought me back to OP after a decade away.

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