Anon · 15d

hi!! i would love to hear more about kiwi, what's the basics of her lore ?

sexual abuse since she was a kid by a family member, ended up being assaulted by a stranger when she was 18 and had moved into her own place (thanks to her supportive parents!)
became increasingly agoraphobic, refusing to leave the house unless the sun was in the middle of the sky (aka high noon) , only goes out to cash checks from her family at the bank (her assaulter works there but she doesn't know bc she won't recognize him without the mask)
because she doesn't go outside, she can't really get friends or parters-> blames the world for it and falls into a incel ideology rabbithole, becoming basically a 4chan troll and baitposter
harasses "normies" and sends them gross pics or gore to give herself some sort of power, its "their fault anyways and they dont understand"
ends up harassing some dude online (@BP9 's Lennon) and endlessly following him to different sites just to ragebait him - he ends up finding her address and breaking in to [noncon] her as a way for 'payback' and its a repeated thing and messes with her bc she's a bit fucked from porn addiction and trauma- theres complicated feelings shared between them as this continues and he ends up coming over just to chill at some point... toxic4toxic (as @BD9 puts it)

there was supposed to be a point where her cousin (who s/a'd her as a kid) attacks her in her home at gunpoint as some sick fetish content for other people who encouraged it- but i have to move stuff around in lore to figure out when it happens

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