Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 8d

first of all i just wanna say that i love you au and by no means im trying to criticize what you write, but reading that part where jk asks if yg just thinks about fckn him made me realize that it’s literally all he talks about? when yg got sad over jk saying he liked ygs face made me so confused as well cause he?? says?? everytime!! he wants to fck jk?? so i think it’s kinda uncomfortable to listen that someone wants to fuck you all the time but not having proper conversations?? just wanted to vent maybe u can take this doubt out of me

no it’s fair, yg really does talk about it a lot. it’s because he’s so excited and when it happens he’ll definitely calm down. and when jk talks to him about his personal feelings about sex, it’ll definitely give a wake up call. like as much as he likes jk, he definitely interprets him as some typical dom daddy straight out of a smut book. which while he can show some characteristics he’s not that at all. but again, yes he needs to chill and at the same time jk does find him being horny to be cute lol

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