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Anonymous Coward · 7d

Ok, so… idk if im biased on every universe with Th, but come on, people are being way too harsh just cause Ykk are the main couple, and I get it, I also want them to be all happy, no drama, but i dont think that a proper history should revolve around only two characters and their feelings
I really love that you give voice to all of them, cause it helps to get better into the history and the characters
And that’s why i understand Th, Yg IS his little brother, doesn’t matter that he’s an adult, he’ll always be his little brother, and is NOT necessary to have a huge background or a traumatic experience for him to love and want to protect his brother, that how humans work irl. Also, Jk IS his best friend, his closest friend, someone he also loves and trust (and he has let ua see that he actually trusts him and believes is a wonderful person) so ofc he’ll question or/and will feel bad if he’s not close anymore ESPECIALLY if he doesn’t now the reason
Th is no king for everyone and everything to revolve around him ofc, but hes a human, he can feel bad and insecure when all the people he loves are clearly keeping a secret from him. And you also can’t expect for him to not feel something or not so something if they DONT TALK TO HIM.
When Yg talked to him he was soooo fucking open to just hear and give advice, because he knew i was NOT about him, when Yg actually explained that he didn’t like to be babied, and not just threw a fit like a baby or was just mean, he UNDERSTOOD and changed it, ofc is still his little brother, but once he TALKED to him like an adult, he treated him like an adult
So I do agree that they should talk to him like an adult, not to ask permission as Jin said, but to let him know that they both are adults having a consensual relationship, cause at the end of the day, Th is just as important on their lives as they are to his
(So yeah, no one will judge any character on my watch, especially when they are so well written by our lovely author)

nothing to add! all great! i love seeing people defend characters. i have a soft spot for tae in this, he’s much more mature than what people give him credit for. he’s very willing to change and he totally has! thank you for this message, very very good! i love when they’re just long and ughh makes my day!

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