Anonymous Coward · 9mo

you seem so confident in your art and it rly inspires me!! like wow ur style is so carefully curated and so fun to look at! do you get art block at all/often?

;_; aw thank you!! i get art block a lot actually, which can be frustrating but i've learned to take in stride. it can be set off by different circumstances and some things are just out of my control. i don't force it when something on the canvas isn't working out or it'll dig a deeper hole and usually just results in a longer block u_u

it's always best for me to rest it off and when i do feel the itch (often), drawing something simple, achievable and that makes me happy (thats why i do a lot of busts of my fave oc or halfbaked chibis JKFDA it's practically muscle memory and keeps me sane). if the flow feels good, i'll move on to other things like work or other things that require more thought. if it doesn't, i'll put the pen down and try again later.

if the block is a "dissatisfaction with my results" type of block, i like messing around with new brushes and approaches to how i draw a good bit but friends always tell me that there's 'tells' that are consistent over my development LMAO so you can mess around and not have a "consistent art style" but there are things that are so definitively you that you've picked up and integrated, subconsciously or not, that make whatever it is you're drawing "your style". no sense stressing on finding it imo, it'll come to you if you just have fun exploring and experimenting

tldr; art block happens but i deal making fun art, making boring art, or making bad art until something clicks

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