Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Who's the worse oc at being sick? Like insisting they're fine when they aren't?

i actually answered this with friends on discord a while back for the teals! pyrroh is the worst offender of this.

pyrroh would pop some meds and try to keep going about his day, downplaying how shitty he probably feels. 'he's not sick, he's just a little tired, don't worry about it.' since they're not really the healthiest person in the first place though, they'd probably push too hard and end up feeling worse til their body forces them to rest. its less about being productive and more he doesn’t like admitting he feels less than 100% (and thinks being holed up at home sick and alone is sad and boring).

valtra gets really irritable dealing with other people when they're feeling unwell and find it best to sleep it off. the faster they get over it, the better. but if they feel even slightly better, they'll take it as a sign that they can go back to being productive and power through, even if they're a little snappy.

rorzak would probably hole himself up in his hive and take advantage of the opportunity to indulge a little in being himself. since he puts up a front around others, it gives him a good excuse to be in his own space, distract himself with his hobbies he usually doesn't allow himself time for and relax while resting up.

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