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nonnie · 10mo

i can imagine liss having like a small box or drawer with like little chocolatey snacks in the bedroom (not for midnight snacks, although…) but for after they’ve been intimate because i believe chocolate helps bring you back to normality and she would give them to chn, or chn would learn abt it and like all shyly put it there himself etc.
btw u don’t have to write this it’s not a prompt but it popped into my head and seems like smthn they’d do/their dynamic because chn is (in her words) so accommodating that she has to give back to him so i just had to tell sm1 because i just remembered it again 😆☺️
have a lovely day mwah 😊

ANON THIS IS THE CUTEST FUCKING THING holy shit yeah I can imagine cause like. I always pictured that after that first time, she did SO much research to make sure that she's taking care of him properly after all he's done for all of them because she knows he deserves it so much and if sex is the only place he'll let go like then by golly she'll make it as good as possible so he won't be scared to do it again. she figures out that she LOVES finding new snacks and trying them with chn and he loves being coddled like that because especially in the beginning its the only way he'll let her take care of him (under the guise of it being just as important for her too bc he's nothing if not stubborn as shit bc while it's important for liss it's so much more important for chnni) and even now that they're married, it's just a nice tradition they have and makes it feel special no matter what.

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