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nonnie · 8mo

Hi, I have a question about surprise verse. I have enjoyed reading it but I’ve noticed that Chan in these fics seems a little less. Like I mean it seems like you diminished him in order to make Felicity shine more? If that makes sense. Like he doesn’t make any decisions and Felicity most of the time doesn’t even ask, just tell him what to do or what’s gonna happen and just goes along with everything Felicity wants(I’m not referring to her transitioning, those are decisions she has every right to make on her own), her inner monologue about their sex life is usually something like “he’s sloppy and uncoordinated but it feels good” or like the fact that Chan has a big dick but Felicity’s was bigger. Even in like interactions with their families, everyone seems to look to Felicity more, Chan is just there, idk. It’s just Felicity shines so bright in this but to me it’s like Chan is just there as her accessory😭. I get that suprise verse is Felicity centric but I kinda feel bad for Chan, I’m sorry. Just was that purposefully done or like am I just like way off.

okay so I thought about this for a LOOOONG time. idk if you follow me on twt but I went on a whole tangent today abt this bc it genuinely gave me a lot to think about. I would like to say first off that I never intended for it to feel like he's just an accessory, but I can see how/why someone might see it that way.

i think the crux of the matter is that these have become more like original characters with a skz fancast than based on the actual people.

Because to me, as I'm re-reading these fics, surprise-verse Chris is your run of the mill Korean-Australian man, with curly hair and a big nose. But he also has a soft tummy and only works out so he can physically lift his wife and kids. He's more of a follower and prefers when Felicity takes over. Of course, if he has an opinion he'll voice it and she'll listen, but for the most part they're so on the same page they don't need to. He wants to be a stay at home dad more than anything in the world.

He's not really skz's Chan anymore and it truly comes across in the way I write him, and I can see how that would be upsetting or frustrating. Because the more I look at my own works and imagine it as the Chan we have, I realize a lot of the decisions I've made don't fit him or his personality at all and it frustrates me and I'm the friggen author!

all this to say, you've given me so much to think about, especially in terms of how I proceed but also in me determining whether I want to try to re-write it, or turn it into something even more original, and it's pushing me towards the latter when I realize how truly different they've become from the original personalities I've based them off of.

Thank you so much for bringing this up and giving me a hell of a lot to think about. I genuinely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

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