Ray <3
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council of cloven bmjnists · 6d

a demon pact could be cool!!!

ooh yess that would be fun!! but! i already have two aus that are kinda similar to that so i'm leaving the demon square alone for now <3 maybe for halloween tho?

council of cloven bmjnists · 8d

i wanna compliment you on your umm regency(?)-style stories. you really have a talent with that!!! so good. oh and good luck with whatever you’re writing on 🫶🏻

thank you soo muchh!!! regency is a newly discovered talent of mine lmao, i wanna work on it more tho, for sure!! thanks friend <3 hopefully my next fic will not give me too much grief

council of cloven bmjnists · 9d


council of cloven bmjnists · 25d

can you give us a small teaser or spoiler for the next chapter?

I don't have anything written yet 😭 but we're getting more brotp moments between taegyv for sure! that's about the only solid thing I have for this chapter yet 😭

council of cloven bmjnists · 27d

You don't have to answer this, totally get it (dont want to encroach on ur privacy) but are you also south asian?

council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo

setting sun one shot where emperor Yeonjun takes his queen himself to do the fitting of Beomgyu's royal robes before the crowning. He himself dresses Beomgyu in the queen's garments and puts the crown on Beongyu's head by his own hands and makes Beomgyu see him in the mirror "look at the empress you are"

oh my god anon this is so good! definitely, definitely keeping this and i'll 100% write this <3

𝗌𝗈𝗅𝗂𐚁 · 1mo

established bmjn far in the future?

council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo


council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo

Hey! Wanna drabble on sugar daddy Yeonjun?

council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo

Hi, Ray! Chapter 5 really messed with my emotions, hahaha. I truly curse sbn, he's so evil, how dare he do that to bg. Oh, and I'm really looking forward to Chapter 6! But don't push yourself too hard; if you need a break, then take a rest. I will always be waiting for the continuation, no matter when it comes!

Heyy! Ch5 was a heavy one, i hope you're fine now <3 SB being a bitch was so unplanned but we did get a bmjn meal to make up for it!!! i won't push myself at all, i'm just riding the high and having the time of life writing for setting sun rn. thank you soo much for your support, nonnie <3

council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo

ch5 was so good i loved it

council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo

Ray! Ya~ Ya~ Ya~ !!!
So I've read the new setting sun chap, a damn... I have no words, speechless. And WTF R U DOING CHWE SUBIN??? DAMNNNNN

Anon!! Ya~ Ya~ Ya ~
Ah thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!!
Chwe Subin is so annoying in this fic he legit has a death wish. I cannot defend that man at all and I don't want to 😭 AT LEAST WE GOT BMJN!!! That's the really fun part!!
next chapter will have more bg, fear not, I will make him happy 💕

council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo

Hey Ray! thank you for being such a hard working bmjn writer. Your h/p story was SO GOOD, i really loved it. Is your current writing going well? Do you have other ideas cooking in the back of your mind already? I wish i had any ability to write too 😭

Have great day <3

Hii!! Thank you soo muchhh <3 I'm so happy you liked that fic too, it was so fun to write it!! I think my current project is going amazingly well, though i just had to change the plot again, but nothing i can do about that lol. I always, always have ideas in the back of my mind, tho rn I'm just focused on finishing setting sun. In august tho, i'll put out a vamp yj fic!!!!
And i'm sure you can write too, it's just something u learn with practice tbh. Plus, if you have any ideas you wanna talk about, my dms are always open <333
hope you have a lovely day too!!

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