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anon ยท 4d

solpiiii omg you never failed to deliver !!! also can yj give me a chance to plap plap beomsie heโ€™s so insatiable ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

anon ยท 4d

ilysm guys thank you for organizing the bingo event and for feeding us <33

anon ยท 4d

your newest two tweet bmjn au where bg is arrestedโ€ฆ iโ€™m gonan need more of that PLSSSSSS๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

anon ยท 4d

everytime u post a one/two etc tweet au the world heals

anon ยท 20h

bmjn so quiet is it bcs itโ€™s https://x.com/jasminericegirl/status/1805339785319567459?s=46 โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ

anon ยท 8d

thank you for the food babyyy

anon ยท 9d

does anyone know what happened to alina

anon ยท 9d

hiii lovely how was your dayy?

hiiii, it has been pretty nice so far!! i'm at home this week so i'm mostly planning on writing and resting :p it's currently noon so i'm cooking!!

anon ยท 10d

the way I squealed in the morning when i saw red lips had an update! made my whole day. gyu has been through an emotional rollercoaster. my poor bby. i was wondering if you had a schedule for your updates or if they were random? your writing really makes me happy!

hiii!! really glad it made your day jfjfjf my only schedule as of now is a chapter ~once a month! no fixed dates though i do try to set a deadline for myself (ch3's deadline was june 16th idk how i made it) because it all depends on how fast i write and how much free time i have :D

anon ยท 10d

can i be the flower girl at urs and loโ€™s wedding โ€” who is lo https://retrospring.net/@solpi/a/112622670512564898

who would the wedding party be for this twtr wedding and are we invited

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