council of cloven bmjnists · 1mo

Hey Ray! thank you for being such a hard working bmjn writer. Your h/p story was SO GOOD, i really loved it. Is your current writing going well? Do you have other ideas cooking in the back of your mind already? I wish i had any ability to write too 😭

Have great day <3

Hii!! Thank you soo muchhh <3 I'm so happy you liked that fic too, it was so fun to write it!! I think my current project is going amazingly well, though i just had to change the plot again, but nothing i can do about that lol. I always, always have ideas in the back of my mind, tho rn I'm just focused on finishing setting sun. In august tho, i'll put out a vamp yj fic!!!!
And i'm sure you can write too, it's just something u learn with practice tbh. Plus, if you have any ideas you wanna talk about, my dms are always open <333
hope you have a lovely day too!!

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