Anonymous · 21d

It's not a joke but you don't want to say anything because you need to "be nice" when the perception of Childe as a creep continues because no one is shutting it down.

Oh I just wanted to give the benefit of the doubt because I might have been misunderstanding, didn't know it was you! Then I can tell you what me and other Childe fans have been saying because we all hate it and we all hate this awful ship, whose shippers only like scara and use Childe as basically a dildo for their weird antics.
We just don't say anything because we don't want to get harassed because we don't understand jokes or we are too annoying to shippers, but trust me, no one hates this idea of loser simp Childe than actual childe stans. The people you are complaining about are scara stans.
Also in here Childe is not seen as a creep, it's seen as a loser cuck but guess you still can't read

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