
he/him - Here to answer any question that anyone asks.
Also Anon I'm not answering any ask about Jade so you can just change the topic already

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Anonymous · 11d

If Sunday is not like that then there would not be this much of him abusing Aventurine but that's where his popularity comes from.

You are incredibly funny. His popularity comes from being a victim of religious indoctrination and grooming, and ofc all the religious symbolism that most people loove to analyze, myself included, but it's ok I already know you don't actually care about what you come here to talk about.
So hey, what if you go back asking me about Childe instead? I know you also really hate that one lol

Anonymous · 11d

Roma people said Sunday is racist. I'll listen to them. Sunday being racist and capable of abuse is why he shouldn't be playable but people don't care because they love men being like this. Being abusive and racist isn't cute.

Anonymous · 11d

Jade wasn't like you thought. Hoyo doesn't make any evil women playable. You want Sunday playable despite what he represents and him being racist and abusing an indigenous man and people calling that "toxic" yaoi when it's racism and abuse.

Anonymous · 19d

Compared to all the cutscenes and patches dedicated to making you understand Scara it's not the ame. We don't know it's a facade. If they made an animation or cutscene showing how Childe really felt being sent to the Fatui, or in the Abyss, that might be different. But we don't see it and they also don't want to let characters like Childe so that's why the fandom can make him this loser who needs to beg for the other characters regard.

The fandom sees Childe as an edit and a loser because they need a dildo for their ship pairings, nothing more. I recommend you go into different areas in fandom so you can see other people actually talking about Childe and not just being weird about him 👍

Anonymous · 19d

It's Zhongli and Scara where Childe's purpose in ships is to be about how good and sympathetic the other character is because we see all their tragedies and feel for them, but we don't see anything like that for Childe in canon. That's why he can be treated like this.

We don't see much of Childe being sad because his facade is precisely not showing sadness for the past. There are scenes here and there but those people don't care so they just make him into a sexual partner to their fav. Childe stans have been talking about it for a long time now but shippers love their ooc fics and fanart and that sadly won't change no matter what hoyo makes of the game. That's how fandoms works

Anonymous · 19d

I don't get how Dottore is the one who manipulated Scara but it's CHILDE who gets the most hate from Scara stans

Anonymous · 19d

You haven't seen tartali shippers and how most are Zhongli stans who talk about how great Zhongli is while hating the scene where Childe was with Arle because they want Hoyo to make him more evil.

I have seen that's why I said part. Zhongchi shippers normally center the ship around Childe so the dynamics and the way shippers talk about them changes. And I don't like Tartali for that exact reason lol

Anonymous · 19d

It's always Childe getting this treatment. Thank you hoyo for making us have to wait years for him to stop being treated like this because no character can like him and we need to wait for his nation to get some humanizing treatment that the other characters get.

This isn't hoyo's fault, this is all fandom. Childe in the game is not treated like in the fandom and he's just normal like all the rest of the characters, please don't mix those two.

Anonymous · 19d

It's not just chiscara Zhongli and Lumine stans do it too

Zhongli I see with less frequency as it is a space also occupied with many Childe stans that center the ship in the other direction but definitely, there are many people that do it, but unluckily for us, we can't be fighting wars against shippers and the artists that do this, because normally they have a large following that would just push against it, I'm sure you can understand

Anonymous · 19d

Chiscara shippers always talk about how much they hate Childe. Childe has it the worst with being the guy who's shipped and being hated, no other character has it this bad. He's too easy to demonize because Childe fans won't fight for his characterization like other fans do.

Anonymous · 19d

It's not a joke but you don't want to say anything because you need to "be nice" when the perception of Childe as a creep continues because no one is shutting it down.

Anonymous · 19d
Why is childe getting slandered now over a ship he was never even implied in bro free him

Don't know what's going on in there and I don't know if it's a joke, me personally cannot fathom the idea of hating a character I actively ship with my fav but I guess some chiscara shippers love to do it. To each their own

Anonymous · 20d

Childe was taken to the abyss because he had ambition. He wants to take over the world.

Are you telling me you think 14 year old Ajax from his little fishing town, even before falling to the abyss, genuinely wants to destroy the world?
Honestly I never heard that one from a Childe haters I'll be honest, you get points for originality

Anonymous · 20d

Arlecchino has a goal. She wants to protect her kids and reform the system that put them there. Does Childe have a real goal? He wants to conquer the world, but for what?

Anonymous · 20d

You guys keep comparing Childe to SCAR

Bro I have no clue who Scar is also who is 'you guys' I'm just one person not a hive mind LMFAO

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