Anonymous · 13d

Jade wasn't like you thought. Hoyo doesn't make any evil women playable. You want Sunday playable despite what he represents and him being racist and abusing an indigenous man and people calling that "toxic" yaoi when it's racism and abuse.

Oh my god I have just opened the inbox again are you really that obsessed? Sunday is not anything of that, and you calling Aventurine indigenous proves that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
I haven't played the quest yet and I'll have my own thoughts when I do, unlike you.
Jade is working and sustaining a racist and colonialist organization so don't whine so much about a kid raised in a cult as a sacrifice when you have bubblegum hair here to complain.
Btw I also hate sunturine if that's your worry, go shit yourself somewhere else anon.
(And don't say Jadepaz is toxic yuri if according to you there's nothing toxic, dumbass)

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