Anonymous · 13d

Roma people said Sunday is racist. I'll listen to them. Sunday being racist and capable of abuse is why he shouldn't be playable but people don't care because they love men being like this. Being abusive and racist isn't cute.

Considering the thread you are referring to didn't make Sunday into an abusive racist but instead just pointed out a comment he made about sigonians having psychic powers.
(Which as me and as other have understood was sarcastic on his part as halovians are the ones to have those powers instead but I could always be wrong and that could be a reasonable criticism)
But guess who was openly racist? A lovely lovely woman named Sparkle who said literally that Sigonians are liars and criminals! And guess what? She's playable! And very much popular!
But I'm guessing you don't mind her at all, that's not very cute either anon. Neither is having the IPC as a ally faction considering they participate in colonialism.
And in that same thread the creators themselves said they were ok with sunturine (which I repeat I'm not comfortable with) so maybe use your own words and opinions for this one, especially after messing up before by not knowing Aventurine's ethnicity.
Sunday is not abusive and I advice you to stop wasting your time talking about a male character so much, maybe use that energy on very interesting female character that this game has to offer.

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