Reona · 15 answers · 3mo

QOTD: Are you a yumejin / selfshipper? Who do you ship yourself with?

yes But its kinda too cringe to Talk Abt That . (bc most ppl find the fandom cringe and honestly me too)

yes !> !!!!!
hassel pokemon
peter b parker spiderman
raihan pokemon
++ alot more . . . i Loev my ugly old men

scaramouche since november 9th 2020 ❤️ bit more than Selfshipping, Regardless we do that Too!

idk the first term but yes i am. um (unfolds list) jack harkness (dw) elliot (sdv) lord ruthven (i'm sorry. I'm Sorry.Hdlelp) and astarion (bg3) so far. my list... shall expand............

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