Reona ೀ · 19 answers · 4d

Did you have a pet growing up? If so, what type of animal was it and what was its name?

I had a kitty when I was very young named Taz, and another kitty later on named milo! Taz ran away & I lost Milo in the divorce of my parents. RIP

well my mom and dad literally dedicated the basement to snakes and reptiles when i was really young (apparently abt 100 of them) so uh

i had a bunch of fish!! i can't remember most of them, though i do remember that the last 2 were both flower fish, named flowey and something else 🌸 i forgor...

i had a grey cat named duffy and a longhaired dachshund named bella during my childhood !! currently i have a longhaired miniature dachshund named loki

i had the sweetest cat. his name was solace and my mother had got him when he was a really sick kitten. he lived a good and long life, i still think about him to this day :]

⠀⠀ I grew up with my son and my sweet baby Zelda! She was a cute dog and a gentle giant... I loved her.

we have 5 pets now, but at first 2! We only kept one, the one we got rid of was his brother(ginger tabby) bcuz he was mean. But he's a ginger(tabby) && white cat :^) and he's still alive today, had him since we were probably 1 1/2, or 2 years old. He's 14 this year!

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