Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous roe and thyme nation member · 2y

is making friends and coming out of your shell in ffxiv difficult? also I'm obsessed with the way you and some others I've seen m*d your scrunklies to better fit your vision of them! I want to learn 3d modeling now!

thank you!! ♥ i suppose it can be, but it's no different than making friends in any other online setting really...... honestly some of my best xiv pals are folks i met through twitter first lmao. i don't have anything too insightful to say about it, i think the key is just to remember that everyone's a real person behind their oc and to be respectful of boundaries..... kindergarten stuff. sharing is caring. etc.
and good luck in learning 3d modeling!!! for me at least the learning curve was. really steep LOL. but there's no shortage of resources out there for beginners, and it's SO satisfying once you start to get the hang of it!!! making your blorbo actually look like how you envisioned them in your head is the coolest shit in the world :)

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