[REDACTED] · 10mo

About the pup thing, I feel the same way! :D It isn't sexual or anything, but sometimes you just want to be praised and cuddled by the people you are close to, like a doggie. I'm pretty sure a lot of people feel the same way. It's really nice of you to want to make sure your friend is safe.

this is re: an aethy post about pup stuff 🐾

this is pretty much exactly how i feel. i definitely enjoy pet play in sexual contexts but it's the little things like that. any time i get a little bit loose i find myself unconsciously cuddling up to the people i love*... maybe i am more fulfilled by affection than others but i am also very cute and have been babied a lot for it, for better or worse, and i still am. we seek what we know.

those curious for some rudy lore, i have also been the alpha of a real pack of dogs** (100+, not all at once and some i saw more frequently than others) and i think they mostly do it right. they are also stupid and/or don't listen. interpret that as you will.

i appreciate your kind words. sometimes i get a bit overly protective and even aggressive, but i've gotta look out for my trans sisters most of all. they don't mind an attack dog and they know all they have to do is point and tell me get 'em. i myself am stupid and/or don't listen so it's what i do.

  • (otherwise i cuddle up with whoever in the room i sense is most powerful. it's not intentional, i just naturally gravitate to that energy. doms usually find this annoying and pathetic, so. heads up.)

** (i was not the alpha among the humans but had control of most of the dogs where the true alpha had almost complete control. there are usually a handful of alphas and as you would imagine they also self-regulate, so i have also watched some alphas "act up" and immediately get punished by the pack, sometimes dropping rank. it is really, really good and even preferred when this does not happen.)

thank you for reading my doggie blog.

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