[REDACTED] · 9mo

Hi, once again, person who keeps talking about the Werewolf Au (Wolfsbane now, tho). About your concern of making malby too ooc, I think you don't have to worry too much about it, they are your own OCs, you can do whatever you want with them, that's what they're made for, they will stop being malby only if you want to, but if it bothers you too much, you can make them into entire different characters, people would keep supporting you either way. It will be nice to see you work with red/warmer colors, since most of your palletes are cold colors. Maybe you should research some more about the history/ different versions of LRRH, for some inspo.

-:D (guess I will sign this way instead of repeating over and over again ''Hi'')

i love it :D it was really interesting to hear someone's take on my palette! i never thought i leaned towards a specific scheme but i'm going to look through some of my art again with that in mind!

the palette i'm planning on using for the non-con werewolfy sections will be filtered through the visible color range for dogs except for dotty's hood.

to be perfectly honest i am not familiar with much little red riding lore so if you had any pointers i would really appreciate it. 🙏

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