[REDACTED] · 9mo

I am poking around your site with the power of inspect element to better understand how certain things are built and I just wanna say it’s very nice code.

i really appreciate it! it's still pretty messy with the inconsistent whitespace but i've cleaned it up a lot since my first build. i am still managing to find little things to do... (one more little-ish thing before i send out another long-winded newsletter)

i just pushed an update that broke the local storage item so if you decide to visit you may have to submit again. i had to figure out how to reroute everything too so i may have also broken a lot of the links. again, little-ish things to do.

Retrospring uses Markdown for formatting

*italic text* for italic text

**bold text** for bold text

[link](https://example.com) for link