[REDACTED] · 9mo

I don't know why but your art reminds me a lot of Nagabe's work. You should read some of their stuff, like mienai-hito-tachi, The Wize Beasts of the Wizarding Wizdoms or The Girl From the Other Side, thought, almost all their stuff is furry or monster/human.

this is one of the highest compliments i have ever received 😭💕 i'm only familiar with the girl from the other side but i absolutely love the energy nagabe's work has, that softness and intimacy despite the grim melancholy... i could only dream of capturing that bittersweet energy. i should look more into his work and do some studies.

i really want to lean in on fetish for wolfsbane but this would be a really interesting approach. a little girl taming a monster, terrifying to itself and others, through the pure love that only little girls can feel... this is such a sweet thought. thank you for this message. it brightened my day. ❤️

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