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· 16 answers · 10mo

If the world were about to end and you had a chance to listen to one last song, what would it be?

This is indeed an excellent question, one that I can only address so unfortunately by now. Recently, I found myself captivated by a song that played incessantly in my mind, compelling me to reflect on this very inquiry. If the world were to come to an end, what would be the final melody I would hear? To be candid, my heart would resonate with “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses. Regardless of how, I invite you to listen, to delve into the lyrics, and perhaps then you will grasp why songs like this profoundly move individuals like myself. I hold a deep appreciation for all artistic expressions, and the theme of household—particularly the bond between mother and daughter—offers an uncommon perspective. The sentiments conveyed in this song whisper to my very soul bet you understand why. In whatever way, imagine your future daughter enriching your life with the stories encapsulated in its verses. I wholeheartedly encourage you to pause, reflect, and immerse yourself in its meaning. You will fond this masterpiece! 🩷

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