stranger · 1y

Same anon from earlier

Personally i don't like the Twins AU because people mostly tend to put Kotone and Makoto alive at the same time while they ocurre the events of P3 and in some point it gets so repetitive in fanfics or headcanons lol (And also i think that makes Kotone her only purpose be the sister of Makoto and only that)

But ngl, i love that AU when we are talking about Kotone AND Sakuya

Like...people tend to call Kotone as Minako and Makoto as Minato in most of the twins AU, but...isn't the best for that AU using the names of the stage plays...? Literally ppl tend to forget that the Twins AU can REALLY work in the universe of the stage plays because both protags share the same last name (And in some way we can say that they can be siblings in that universe, if not then they are the same person)

Even so, i like most the idea of Kotone and Makoto being different people but only sharing the same fate

hmm yeah fair enough. I don’t read fanfiction very often so I really only run into occasional art about it on twitter; the art can be nice and I really don’t see it very often anyway so I’m ambivalent

same page about Sakuya Shiomi erasure tho. I think it’s an interesting angle to think about how despite their differing personalities their ultimate fate was the same. tho I’m a femc truther at heart so I don’t have any in-depth analysis about mc himself lmaoo

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