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stranger · 1mo

hi, sorry to bother! but i've been on a very months-to-almost-years long scavenge to find subs for the meteor lights stage, and while searching i came across your tweet about having them. i was wondering if it'd be okay to dm you about them and ask where i can find them or maybe be sent them? i'm so sorry for the inconvenience, i hope you have a lovely day ! orz

yeah I literally get DMs about that tweet multiple times a week 😭 the creator is on tumblr, same person who subbed MoM, JoK and others, so I usually recommend just asking them for a copy

stranger · 2mo

Hi i was thinking abt buying that subscription to watch p3wm, but i wanted to see if it has english subs or not? I’ll probably still buy it if not lol

Hi! Currently nothing on Theater Complex Town has subtitles. Some of the shows they own streaming rights to have been streamed with subtitles in the past, so I wish they would add those, but P3WM was not among them. Still worth watching and supporting; I hope you’ll enjoy it! It’s also the only HD release of the show.

stranger · 8mo

Hi I tried to dm you about the meteor lights subs but it seems like your dms are closed?

?? they are open, I checked from other accounts and they seem to be working fine

sorry for late response, nobody uses this so I never check it lol

stranger · 10mo

sorry for the late response, since nobody ever uses this I don’t check it often lol. yeah, feel free to DM me about this. I have actually received a bunch of DMs about that tweet from other people before, too. everyone I meet is so surprised to find out they exist 😭

stranger · 1y

Hard question: What do you think about the social link of Shinjiro and the "change" that makes in to the story if you finish his social link.

Personally, i like so much the social link of Shinjiro, it makes him feel like a character and not just an excuse to make Ken and Akihiko evolve.

Even so, i can understand that some people can hate the fact of change his fate

I like it. The great thing about choices in games is that if people don’t like them they can just not do them. I made a pretty similar comment the other day that him living allows him to have his own arc and own character rather than being a plot device, just as you said there.

Plus, I don't post about him as much but Shinji is one of my top 3 favorites in p3, so of course I’m biased and happy when he gets to live. I only wish that more spinoff material addressed the possibility of him living, instead of always adapting MC version where he has to be dead… P3WM goated yet again I fear

stranger · 1y

Have you read the manga of Persona 3?

Sometime ago i tried to read it, but it was so bad in some ways and i didn't like it :/

The only thing that i like about the manga was in somewhat the personality of Minato

Nope, the only persona manga I have read is the Ultimax one because I am starved for Sho content

I’ve seen some panels from the p3 one. I like the art but I know pretty little about it. I’ve read some of the femc portable 4komas too, those are fun

stranger · 1y

Have you played Persona Q2?

I have not! I started Q but didn’t get very far in it. I’d like to play them both eventually.

I think P2, Strikers, and both PQs are my biggest gaps in unplayed Persona. Oh… and I played the original P5, but haven’t finished Royal. P2 is on the schedule next when I finish my current P1 refresher run

stranger · 1y

If we are talking about the universe of the stage plays...

What would you think that the events of The Answer could be? (In the universe of Kotone)

In the final act of p3wm (Kotone side), Shinjiro wakes up of his coma so...he could be in the events of The Answer if it happens

I don’t exactly have theories about it but it is something I have always wanted to see! Shinji wakes up at the end of p3p if he is saved too, so it’s not exclusive to p3wm. I’ve always figured that a combined definitive version of the game would show us The Answer with femc, and now there’s the remake rumors, so maybe…

My Aigis twitter bot (now defunct—rip twitter API) was set to use both she/her and he/him pronouns for the protagonist, even during her lines for The Answer. I wanted to acknowledge that The Answer could and should exist for Kotone too ❤️

stranger · 1y

omg don’t listen to the hate!!!! you’re beautiful inside and out <333

so true I won’t let the haters get me down 😔✌️ god gave me these gifts for a reason

stranger · 1y

your a nerd!!!!!

stranger · 1y
stranger · 1y

I LOVE YOU youre so good and try your best. We're all rooting for your happiness

stranger · 1y

hmm yeah fair enough. I don’t read fanfiction very often so I really only run into occasional art about it on twitter; the art can be nice and I really don’t see it very often anyway so I’m ambivalent

same page about Sakuya Shiomi erasure tho. I think it’s an interesting angle to think about how despite their differing personalities their ultimate fate was the same. tho I’m a femc truther at heart so I don’t have any in-depth analysis about mc himself lmaoo

stranger · 1y

What’s your fav enstars story and why?

stranger · 1y

Do u like fire emblem?

I have only played Awakening but I did like it! I’m not sure I actually finished it though? I think I was close. I recall I didn’t know how to recruit ppl and so I accidentally killed Gaius lmao… my husband was Libra because I couldn’t gay marry Sully

I was interested in 3 houses but didn’t have a switch until this past year so I never ended up playing it. And I tried the mobile game for like a day but I didn’t know most characters, so…

oh, the dragalia lost collab was fun too!!

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