stranger · 1y

Same anon from earlier X2

What do you think of the personality of Kotone in the stage plays

Personally i like how she and Sakuya have so much in common in the first act

Like, Kotone being really apatic about forming bonds with people and saying "I don't care" a couple of times

It really reminds me of the personality of Makoto in the movies (Is not so strange tho, because the writer of the movies was also the writer of the first and second act of the stage plays)

btw sorry for all the questions 😔 but i love so much p3wm and is strange knowing other fan of the stage plays

I think it’s pretty interesting how they did that tbh! forgive me that it’s been kind of long since I fully replayed p3p so a lot of times I forget which things p3wm made up on its own… but I think the “kamawanai” femc catchphrase as a counterpart to mc’s famous “dou demo ii” was unique to the stage? I have wondered occasionally what led them to that decision. part of me has thought maybe it was because they didn’t want to differ the dialogue too substantially between the two versions, so they gave femc a pretty similar early arc to mc in the first part. I don’t know it for a fact but for a few reasons I think the first part was lower budget than the others and more of a proof of concept, so keeping the script closer back then would make sense unlike later on when they could do bigger divergences. that’s all speculation tho

some of the really minor differences between them are so fun to watch though. just the other day I was watching sakuya’s ver. of Communication! and the way he does that cheery ass choreography with one hand in his pocket the entire time… so funny. iconic

no such thing as too many p3wm questions 😎 I’ve spent like. 2 years straight thinking about this show lmao

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