stranger · 1y

If we are talking about the universe of the stage plays...

What would you think that the events of The Answer could be? (In the universe of Kotone)

In the final act of p3wm (Kotone side), Shinjiro wakes up of his coma so...he could be in the events of The Answer if it happens

I don’t exactly have theories about it but it is something I have always wanted to see! Shinji wakes up at the end of p3p if he is saved too, so it’s not exclusive to p3wm. I’ve always figured that a combined definitive version of the game would show us The Answer with femc, and now there’s the remake rumors, so maybe…

My Aigis twitter bot (now defunct—rip twitter API) was set to use both she/her and he/him pronouns for the protagonist, even during her lines for The Answer. I wanted to acknowledge that The Answer could and should exist for Kotone too ❤️

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