stranger · 1y

Hard question: What do you think about the social link of Shinjiro and the "change" that makes in to the story if you finish his social link.

Personally, i like so much the social link of Shinjiro, it makes him feel like a character and not just an excuse to make Ken and Akihiko evolve.

Even so, i can understand that some people can hate the fact of change his fate

I like it. The great thing about choices in games is that if people don’t like them they can just not do them. I made a pretty similar comment the other day that him living allows him to have his own arc and own character rather than being a plot device, just as you said there.

Plus, I don't post about him as much but Shinji is one of my top 3 favorites in p3, so of course I’m biased and happy when he gets to live. I only wish that more spinoff material addressed the possibility of him living, instead of always adapting MC version where he has to be dead… P3WM goated yet again I fear

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