stranger · 10mo

hi... uh, im so sorry to bother, first and foremost. ive been scouring for meteor lights subtitles and saw a tweet of yours implying you mayhaps have them? ...would you consider sharing if asked? i know enough and know better than to post enstage clips. at most i just infodump to a priv acc but never include visuals from enstage. i can leave my handle in the next ask if you'd accept. ^-^; i've watched all the other enstages that have (known) existing subs but meteor lights is the only one i haven't and i'm desperate at this point. sorry again if this is too much of an ask...

sorry for the late response, since nobody ever uses this I don’t check it often lol. yeah, feel free to DM me about this. I have actually received a bunch of DMs about that tweet from other people before, too. everyone I meet is so surprised to find out they exist 😭

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