anonymous robo · 27d

ahh hello i sent the college message ty so much for ur input... some background would have been helpful probably, i'm realizing how out of context the question was now lol ;; i'm going to a regular pretty cheap college for a graphic design degree and also coming out of a very rough high school experience because of bad adhd/anxiety, like to the point of almost not graduating on time, so it was very uplifting to see u talk about how that sort of thing can get better over time in an earlier post. i guess i just wanted to hear a little more about it because very very few of the ppl in my life can truly sympathize with or understand mental stuff and how hard it makes school.
an art history degree is very cool.. i wish getting an arts degree wasn't so incompatible with the modern job market but art is the only thing i enjoy doing and do well... i'm mostly scared about that part i think ... anyway. thank u again for ur answer, and thank u for sharing ur beautiful art and thoughts with everyone. congrats on ur move to japan! i wish u all the best

it absolutely is really difficult to get through high school, especially if youre an indoors type imo.. never again in your life will you be trapped in a box with 40+ people you have nothing in common with other than age and be forced to get along with them, while learning/working on assignments 8+ hours a day. its a huge load of work. but i think graphic design is a really diverse and lucrative field to enter so its a good choice for your degree. yeah, it is scary to enter the job market. and i worked many miserable service jobs for a long time... but no matter what you do, you can use it as an oppertunity to improve yourself as long as you have solid emotional support coming from somewhere. at least, that is my experience. and thank YOU so much!! i wish you the best of luck with your future. its normal to be nervous!

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