anonymous robo · 24d

i love you and i kiss you muawh💜 ur adorable (literally giv me will to live) i miss your streams🥺 if only i could rewatch them.....tbh listening to you breath into mic my fav passtime. lul.......also when u talk about your interests or or history ily💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

;-; thank u anon this is so sweet.. i have such none confidence in my ability to stream lol but i wanna try again soon. but with the time zone. the time will probably be crazy. im still adjusting to my new job so ive been sleeping a lot. its also very hot and humid rn... and i have no furniture at the moment LOL in a male living space era for the rest of this week <333 but srsly thank you so much for watching i hope i can entertain you again soon

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