anonymous robo · 13d

i really appreciate you making that thread about rape jokes, ive always found it bizarre that murder, mental illness, suicide, terrorism, war crimes, etc etc are largely fine to joke about but not rape? drawing the line there specifically feels very arbitrary and/or culturally relative and i wish more people were paying attention to that. thanks again rury, always love reading your insights!

yeah people in general seem to make a special exception for rape/sexual violence in general in a way that i honestly truly believe is pushing us backwards and confining peoples experiences to censorship which i think is really inexcusable. we need to be able to joke about these things. jokes are an important way we can feel less alone . the more isolating and taboo the subject matter, the better it lends itself to a good joke, honestly. the people who are the MOST vocally uncomfortable tend to be those who never experienced anything like that, and i dont really care about them so... thank YOU for reading ..and responding!! i hope u have a great day

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