anonymous robo · 13d

a joke that I wish i could make more is saying that some annoying thing is "worse than being raped", such as missing a bus. Its funny because it contains a kernel of truth, insofar as getting raped isnt so bad in the immediate... of course one would need to have some experience being raped many times to understand this principle. So its only for the true connoisseurs

its rly like getting raped this is just like that time i missed the busto work cutaway to scene of me missing the bus to work gkkjfkghdjfh and this is also an important aspect of the point im trying to make. the people who are dealing with the most rape are the ones making the most "incomprehensible" or "disturbing" rape jokes and i want to empower that without hesitation. its at the point where making a rape joke... is worse than being raped

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