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hi rury, watched your stream and you said you don't have a "sense of self" but it kinda feels untrue i least your art is very have strong opinions....and preferences, and what is there more to "self"?
thats a good question but i gues my feeling about it is that its something you feel and know and confirm internally. the way i am feels like its often in flux. i could say something about my "self" but the opposite would also be true. the sense of self as its known in western philosophy is the cornerstone of things like self respect and self esteem, which i did not have as a child or teen and had to create myself outside when it wouldve been developmentally approrpiate so perhaps i am closer to having a "self" now, but these terms are confusing to me, as is identity, it would be impossible for me to describe myself or identity with any confidence, the lack of self or identity makes more sense. like, i have preferences, opinions, and style, and you say this is enough for a self though, interesting. is the self what we choose to express? how we decide to be seen, if we have any control over that? its all very confusing for me. my "self" to me is like salt in the sea of the world
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