Voice on the aether · 3mo

What aspects of your art style are you most proud of? And which aspects are you most eager to improve on?

I can't say I ever feel proud about my art. If I'm still turned on by something I draw after a few months I give it a thumbs up. Reflecting on what is probably 10 years of drawing on and off, and only really trying to improve over the last year or so, I hope my art straddles the cute and erotic in a way that is visually appealing, with plenty of soft features, roundness and a nice vibe to it.

I'm quite critical of myself, and I always seek to improve and take constructive feedback from people. Over the years I think I've developed quite a unique style linked to what I find interesting (and perhaps a following to boot?) with the way I mix TF themes into weight gain. I love a more detailed and heavy feel to fat deposits and I will continue to strive to master a warm softness and inviting heft to the way I draw fat. One day I'll get there!

Technically, I look really amateur compared to lots of artists, so improving anatomy, more expressive faces & poses, better shading and colouring are all things I want to take further and further. It's going to take a mix of practice, experimentation and dedicated studying to get where I want to get to with this.

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