Voice on the aether · 3mo

As a UKfur, what aspects of the predominantly America-centric fatfur community do you find most distinctive, unusual, noteworthy or idiosyncratic from an outside, cultural perspective? Eg: Differing attitudes to food, body-image or diet from those in Britain, for example. Also, if you've ever visited the USA IRL, did you appreciate the way wider, weightier waistlines, massively fattening fast food, unabashedly ubiquitous obesity rates & supersized portion sizes we're so well famed for by foreigners? LOL!

As a UK fur I generally find the US a much more open and dynamic place compared to our little island. Without it I doubt furry art and lifestyle would be as widespread, or indeed exist at all. The US is so varied culturally I am probably talking more about bigger city, or coastal sensibilities, so you’ll have to let me off! In the UK when I hear an American accent I feel very at ease because you guys are so much fun and chatty… at least those with passports are! Even grumpy New Yorkers.

European shops in more urban areas, like where I live, have much less choice compared to even the most basic US stores, so I am always in awe of the breadth of choice and sizes available. I find food in the US can be both high on quality and scale, depending on what you’re looking for! It’s hot to know about some of the cheaper foods being so stuffed with high-fructose corn syrup due to 30s era farm subsidies that it practically re-programs your metabolism to turn you into a fatty. You over sugar things, even salads taste sweeter, it’s sooo easy to get fat over there it’s crazy. The only things I’d miss would be some of the fish we get here, UK chocolate and Irn Bru, and using dark humour without offending people… oops!

I lived in coastal southern CA for 2 years just before COVID hit. It was beautiful and I absolutely loved it, and was willing to put up with the health insurance part as it came with my job. I’m aware of how unrepresentative that place was when compared to the rest of the US. I’ve travelled a lot on the west coast and a brief trip to Minneapolis but never been on the east coast. Living in CA, paying taxes and what not, I felt like I could live more anonymously and truly be myself, knowing people didn’t really care. I felt very welcome, but I think some Americans get a little disarmed by a British accent when they’re not expecting it.

Compared to home, the US felt a bit more live and let live as British people can be a bit nosey and judgey. I was in a university town so people were bound to be chill, but I felt pretty free there, even if it was a skinny place by and large. I hadn’t fully come out as a furry at that point, so missed my opportunity to meet people or do a con or something! Regrets!

Seriously though, the food, the beer, the sun, the portion sizes and omg the fat-friendly clothes! I think I’m still wearing some jogging “pants” I bought back then because they are so comfy. I think that’s the biggest draw. It’s so easy to operate as a big fatty in the US. So much more space and car-centric. I don’t like cars that much, but even now I drive more than I take public transport here in the UK (all public transport sucks outside of London and parts of Scotland… but that’s a whine for another time!). It’s a trade off for growing an enormous US-sized butt.

Having fat so normalised is hugely beneficial, as so many of my European counterparts will also attest, to actually gaining weight and committing to the lifestyle. I would be a much bigger person if I were still there. I feel like a few of my current US friends would love to corrupt me.

Culturally, you’re also much more polite and sincere compared to us post-imperial Brits, who are much more coded, sarcastic and dare I say a little darker. We’re going through a rough time here. I appreciate the enthusiasm and positivity that has been so lacking in our country, I dunno, since Titanic sank? Either way, for all its faults, wacko religious crazies & nut jobs, I am a huge fan of the US and its furs.

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