Voice on the aether · 2mo

If you could make any characters from any films, cartoons, tv, games or comics canonically OBESE, who would you pick & why?

Animated mums, or moms, seriously. Perhaps a bit non-specific but i'm tired of the highly-strung skinny mum with the overweight dad trope (Nicole, Marge, Lois...). We need more plump mothers in animation! ... And not hyper-stylised hourglass figures so men can safely ogle Mrs. Incredible's butt without having to comprehend that she might be heavier elsewhere with a realistic frame...

Many women naturally gain weight during pregnancy that settles and happily becomes part of their new motherly figure, it's so cute, sexy and should be celebrated! However, it's clearly a no-no among character designers unless she's a rolling pin-wielding battle axe of a woman who is always on the verge of beating up her hen-pecked husband. A boring and nasty stereotype.

Choosing specific characters who I'd prefer to see *canonically obese is tricky one, because by today's standards it'd preclude them from any normal love interest for the sake of not offending audiences, something that all main female characters suffer from when it comes to writing. But here goes...

  • Toriel: Motherly and a monster, she's already large but she deserves to be bigger and softer. It would do nothing but amplify her warmth and strength as a character.
  • Cookie Crumbles "aka" Rarity's Mother: OK, another mum, a bit niche, but it'd suit her character to be bigger, offering us a glimpse of Rarity's genetic predisposition to gain weight, but also serving to enhance the "uncouth parent vs prissy child" contrast the episode was going for, albeit unfairly!
  • Chica: She eats her bodyweight in trash and/or pizza, just make her fat already
  • Eda Clawthorne: She's an older lady, and yet another "mum"-like figure, who just as readily could have been plump rather than skinny. She'd suit it. Witches should be fatter in general.
  • Yoko Littner, middle aged: Ain't no way she'd be that skinny, let people age... and get fat. Pls.

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