Voice on the aether · 2mo

Do you prefer characters who're solely fixated infatuated obsessed & excited by there own obesity gluttony and weight gain? Or those who're fanatically focussed on feeding fattening & fulfilling the feedist appetites of others? (Or maybe some marvellously mutual insatiably ideal blubbery balance of both?)

My stories and scenarios do tend to fixate more on the 1st person feedee perspective, where the subject’s enjoyment and arousal (guilt and kink laden as it might be) around their own unleashed gluttony and weight gain pulls the plot along. It’s really interesting how I’ve not written or drawn much from the 3rd person perspective of a feeder or onlooker. Feedee brain clearly takes over when I’m all excited to draw or write 😋.

The idea of making an OC who is a feeder to either my sona or an another cute character is very compelling. They’d need some development, otherwise they’d simply morph into somebody who is merely every feedee’s ideal: a caretaker, cook and admirer who loves to fatty fuck! (Hmmm why would that be a bad thing?)

Also, the idea of a feeder having an inner monologue describing their desire to turn somebody into a fatty and how amazing they might look is a fresh perspective and already getting me a little excited. When a feeder and a feedee both get on the same wavelength it’s mega sparks and probably the most erotic thing to experience in this kink space! Plus the fat just piles onnn uwu

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