Voice on the aether · 2mo

Which of your OCs do you most closely identify with on a personal level, and why?

That plump, black haired fox girl I now draw frequently was always a reflection of myself in silly fat furry form. Her name is “Suzie”, and she’s an OC in her own right and may or may not evolve independently, but I had been toying for years with the idea of making a fursona. After all those years I STILL ended up becoming a basic bitch fox (my second choice was to make a cow fursona FYI!) It’s an odd feeling to come out to yourself as A: a real furry, B: somebody who ideates as a member of the opposite gender as an ideal and C: a very fat person, all in one fell swoop, but there she is! Much to unpack.

I think the weight of all three points (pun intended) and perhaps just waiting for the right environment and social surrounds to come clean with myself was behind the long wait to draw an OC like her. Either way, it has been really fun, wherever it leads, and it’s nice she’s got a little fan following looking to see just how fat I make her. One thing’s for certain, I get to play dress up and feed some of my own personal fantasies along the way, which is one of the crazy things about being an artist. For the most part, I have self-ideated a LOT as the characters I draw— it’s really the engine behind my art. I have habitually used drawing as a cope or escape strategy since I was a kid and Suzie is like the most recent and compete form of that. It’s a psychoanalyst’s wet dream right there haha.

So yeah, as a weird little niche artist doing my thing you also get to peer inside my mind when I draw characters like Suzie and I’ll probably reserve her for situations, scenarios and experiences I most identify with or desire. Design-wise she is that kind of brash, rock-chick, strong, but feminine girl I have always admired and loved. Aside from the kink stuff, I would love to draw her more expressively as, pointing out the obvious here, characters with a range of emotions feel much more real and interesting… and I sure as hell have a range of emotions! It’s all in the name of practice and getting better at art, I swear…

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