Voice on the aether · 2mo

Do you enjoy futuristic fattening scenarios using advanced biotech cybernetics & body-augmentation to grow impossibly obese - while limiting combating & eradicating the health issues risks & complications of wildly unbridled extreme weight gain? And is feedist transhumanism a promising potential approach to fulfilling our most fattening fantasies IRL?

I have often wondered if nullifying health issues associated with obesity and excess weight might be medically easier than trying to fight the body’s nature predilection towards putting on weight. Naturally this would facilitate the fatty kinksters like us to floomp into astonishingly large fat blobs and enjoy ourselves, but it’s certainly a decent prompt for a story either way.

Transhumanism does interest me a lot, even though the space is being clogged by annoying tech bro billionaires building nightmare machines, but I find the idea of technology allowing you to transform into the creature, gender and size you desire very alluring.

I have an innate urge to transform and fatten, but perhaps i’m 100 years too early to transform myself into a furry earth goddess of gluttony, seducing you to join my cult of hedonistic love.

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