anon · 1mo

Saito and Uru partnering up to destroy their (least)favorite twink

something about the phrasing here put the lucahjin eiffel tower meme into my head and i would be remiss to not share that. anyway. i have -- hold on i just remembered there's a fic where saito acknowledges ryuki's existence that i never saved because it isn't tagged as ryuki so i didn't get it downloading everything in the 'tagged with sejima saito, ryuki kuruto' search results -- okay we're good now. I Have Thoughts. about Uru. you're getting a full writing breakdown spiel because i'm a "this porn doesn't have enough accurate character psychoanalysis to get me off" guy you should know this by now.

Uru is my number one Guy I Really Really Want To Like. there is something deeply compelling to me about his problems and the way he could mirror with Saito (Saito's birthday being march 1st and Uru being a leap day baby is kind of everything) but the plot he's central to is Bad and the game he's in is really really trying to convince you that you don't really need to play the first game before this one (but if you did: play this one too! it's got the guy you liked from the first game doing the funny porno mag joke! please give us money!) so all you're left with is a big abscess in the center of the plot where the Sejima Family Situation decidedly isn't but they're still pointing to it going eh? eh? and you're like So was on screen for 30 seconds in a pokemon go joke somnium why are you saying the main villain was related to him and they're like nooo like the guy from the first game! you played that one! and you're like Okay why did we not talk about literally anything about Saito or Iris or Hitomi or So in this game if that whole thing was going to be relevant. i can see the big hole where you wrote around it. why are you pointing to the hole now. and they're like well! some people haven't played the first game! in practice it's just ridiculous and ruins So for no reason. giving the game credit for anything you decide to make up about the narrative relations here is a little sad, i think. and i don't like putting time into Fixing AINI when i could simply be making Ryuki and Saito make out sloppy style instead. ... but i really want to like Uru! there are many beautiful visions from people who did decide to put together the narrative relations themselves (including worldformula, one of four people to whom i owe my life) and i am so compelled by the horrible horrible sibling relationship he could have with Saito. it could be so bad. and i love to put a third guy in the middle of two guys with horrible complicated beef (shocking thing to hear from tumblr/twitter user ryusaidate).................. but i don't want to work out the logistics of that.

now that i'm done 'i care about the plot i'm not just a stupid fujoshi who only consumes media to ship things' virtue signaling (JOKE), aummmm i think the umm. you know. the part where. uru sets up the thing to remotely have control over ryuki's aiball to blow it up or whatever. and the umm. the. the. you know how they can. electric shock you and put drugs directly into your system. i think that.saito should get to. uhmgnhhh. ghh.hg..,fkgnh (thought about two guys fighting over a remote control for your brain) i think i hauve tc-perge

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