Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

nonnie · 26d

pregrong, pregqing and preglian AT THE SAME TIME…

oh my god i'm so sorry for literally everyone else in the world LMAOOO that would be a M E S S

imagine them sitting in the same room at the same time for whatever reason (maybe this is a modern au idk) and qr starts crying because xl was ignoring him (he wasn't, he just looked at something else for two seconds), so naturally xl gets upset because he didn't mean to make rong-er cry so now he's crying, and the sound of those two crying makes mq cry as well. now the three of them are sobbing and their husbands are just like. what the fuck.

their cravings are all wildly different btw. actually i think mq craves xl's food, xl craves ungodly combinations of snacks, and qr loses his appetite and sheds a few pounds even which worries lqq to hell and back

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