Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

nonnie · 5mo

YAZ pls tell me how do you get your readings done 😭😭 i wanna blame my job but people still can manage to do but ugh every time i open my physical book i just feel daunted and then I procrastinate.

bestie i think you cursed me with this ask bc in the past few months i read a total of maybeee two books. like. HOW. i used to read sm and now...look at me...but hey at least i had two weeks off from work so i could finallyyy pick up mdzs and TA again!!!

alright that was partially my fault let's be real i had a lot of things to do buttt i usually have a reading goal. for example rn i'm reading thousand autumns (book 3) and it's roughly 400 pages so on the first night i read 50 pages, yesterday i read 100, today i read 150, and tomorrow i'm gonna read the remaining 100. with a goal set in mind i find that i can read a lot faster, and if i don't have a goal then i just give myself an hour or two to read as much as i can

another important thing is that i try to keep my phone at a healthy distance so that i can't just grab it and start scrolling, because as soon as you start scrolling the reading time is ruined, and i try to be as comfortable as possible so the atmosphere is nice and cozy and i don't have to get up unless i absolutely have to

so just make yourself comfortable, keep your phone away, grab a snack and force yourself to read at least a few pages. sometimes i'm not even in the mood to read and i have to force myself to and before i know it i'm balls deep in the damn book LMAO

i'm gonna buy a kindle to see if i can read faster that way bc i've heard great things so maybe that's also a good idea!!!

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